

enjo a guy gettin his face smashed!

value shifts

umm this somthing i draw a while back and i decide to put i up here


This weeks word on illustration Friday was Electricity, and for some odd reason i decide to draw a cartoon like lightning bug. well enjoy!



this is not for illustration Friday its just something that i decide to draw on my spare time... i guess you can say i had the song "bust it baby" by Plies stuck in my head so i decide to draw this ... well anyway enjoy !



This Weeks Word is Seed.With mothers day coming up the first thing that came into my mind was an unborn baby.i did this in colored pencil and micron pen. well enjoy!



this week topic for illustration Friday was Wrinkles. At first i was going to draw an old lady but changed m mind and decide to draw a baby's feet with a mom's hand. enjoy!



we was to draw magic, i decide to show this by drawing what came into my mind. Cause people say that a persons mind is the most magical place to be. so here it is hope you like.



ok so this week our word for illustration Friday was theory soo i decide to do which came first the chicken or the egg in a funny way i did this in water color hope you like



ok so our topic for illustration Friday was choice and i decide to use homework as an example i decide use a kid having to choose to do the homework or cleaning there room most of us are faced with this type of decision all the time homework or chores or to do something else. used sharpie markers to do this well hope you like leave a comment=)



Have you ever had that teacher who seems like there always over your back like a blanket well i have soo i decide for the word blanket that i would draw a teacher hovering over a student in a cartoon like way i only used micron and sharpie markers well hope you like leave a comment on what you think and what i should improve or not improve^-^!


Self Portariart

Ok so here is my self portrait hope you like it took me a well to do soo yea. i did it in PrismaColor markers umm yea its colorful cause it represent that i like a lot of color and the speakers means i love to listen to my music loud so yea there you go

IF:Tales and Legneds

Ok so here is my illustration Friday for tales and legends i did this in PrismaColor markers and colored penciland i drew a fairy sitting on a cloud watching earth cause as a kid i use to be into the whole fairy art and the thing about them watching over us like tinkerbell did with peter pan yea i was a dork! ^-^! well anyway tell me what you think